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Characteristics of Normal Heart Rate and Disorders That Can Occur

Heart rate is calculated as the number of times your heart beats every minute, and the normal heart rate varies with each person. Through heart rate, you can monitor your fitness level and health condition. The heart is a muscular organ that can pump about 100 thousand times a day, to send oxygen-rich blood and nutrients throughout your body. Therefore, heart health is very necessary to be maintained, including being aware of early signs of interference that may occur by observing a normal heart rate. Abnormalities in heart rate can indicate impaired function and performance of the heart.

Heartbeat speed

Normally, adult heart rate at rest ranges from 60 to 100 times per minute. However, there are many factors that can affect the normal heart rate, including activity, fitness, body position when standing or lying down, air temperature, medications, emotions, and also body size. People who are accustomed to physical activity, for example athletes, tend to have normal below-average heart rates, which is around 40 times per minute while resting. Normal heart rate when exercising is certainly different. When exercising, the heart rate is normal in adults aged 20-35 years, which ranges from 95 to 170 times per minute, at the age of 35-50 years around 85 to 155 times per minute. Whereas in the elderly over 60 years, the heart rate beats normally when exercising ranges from 80 to 130 times per minute. Normal heart rate will increase when exercising because the body needs additional oxygen intake so the heart needs to pump blood faster to meet the body's needs.

Regular Heartbeat

The regularity of the heartbeat is regulated by the heart's electrical system. Normal heart rate rhythm indicates that the electrical performance of the heart is functioning properly. A normal heartbeat sounds in rhythm, with every beat, monotonous or uniform, there is no additional sound or heartbeat. Whereas in an abnormal heartbeat, the rhythm can be heard irregularly, and sometimes there is an additional heartbeat sound or noise outside the main heartbeat sound. As we get older, the regular pattern of the heartbeat can change. Changes in the regularity of the heartbeat can also indicate a medical condition in the heart or other medical conditions that need to be treated immediately.

Heart rhythm disorders

Your heartbeat can also be disturbed. The heart may start beating too fast, slow, irregular, or even have a heart stop. These heart rhythm disorders are medically called arrhythmias. Many things can cause arrhythmias, including medical conditions such as heart attacks, a history of heart disease, high blood pressure, changes in heart structure such as cardiomyopathy, heart failure, heart valve disease, thyroid disorders, electrolyte disorders, or being recovered after undergo heart surgery. Other factors such as consuming too much caffeinated or alcoholic drinks and side effects of drugs can also cause arrhythmias. Arrhythmia is broadly divided into two, namely tachycardia and bradycardia. The following explanation:
  • Tachycardia

  • Tachycardia is a condition when the heartbeat beats faster at rest. This condition is not always clearly known what causes it, but is thought to be caused by various factors, such as heredity, history of certain diseases such as heart disease and anemia, side effects of drugs, or habits such as smoking and consuming alcoholic beverages. Tachycardia can cause complaints that include chest pain, dizziness, fatigue, and shortness of breath. However, sometimes tachycardia can also not cause any symptoms or complaints.
  • Bradycardia

  • A heart beat that is too slow is called bradycardia. Normally, the heartbeat beats 60-100 times per minute when resting. But in the condition of bradycardia, heart rate is less than 60 times in one minute. This condition tends to occur as you age, have a history of diseases such as high blood pressure or thyroid abnormalities, smoking, and due to side effects of medications. In some people, maybe a heartbeat that is too slow does not cause problems. However, this condition can be a sign of a problem in the heart's electrical system. Bradycardia can cause complaints in the form of shortness of breath, difficulty concentrating, fainting, dizziness, and easily tired even if only doing a little activity.
Recognizing a normal heart rate can keep you from various health problems. To have a normal heart rate, then heart health needs to be maintained by eating healthy and nutritious foods, regularly active in moving, not smoking, maintaining ideal body weight, and maintaining good cholesterol and blood sugar levels. If your heartbeat has a disturbance as described above, then immediately consult a cardiologist to get treatment.
